Cast Interviews

Laura Wilson this week!


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Exclusive Interview with LAURA WILSON (May)


Why did you decide to get into acting?

Ive pretty much always been into acting all my life. It was my hobby while I was young. I sort of fell into professional acting through a friend and it happened from there. Which is good because its a great job!!

How old were you when you first started acting?

I probably started when I was about 5 at school doing school productions.

If you could do anything in the world what would you do?

Travel everywhere, experience every sort of culture, religion, food absolutely everything so I could be more understanding of others.

What do you think are the properties of a good actor?

Keeping it real! It needs to be a natural performance to be good.

Do you think you are anything like May?

Not really. Im not as forward with the opposite sex as she is, so to speak. Im also not as hard and staunch as she is.


What has been your hardest scene to film on the Tribe?

I found it quite hard doing all the suck up scenes to the Guardian and Trudy as I thought it was totally out of character for May to be doing that.

What has been your favourite scene to film?

I loved doing the scenes when May loses the closest thing to Trudy, those were definitely my favourite. Running around crazily trying to find it.

Do you have any input into the scripts or scenes?

Not really. When there are some lines that I dont agree that May would say then I will change a word or so that I think is more her.

What kind of music do you like to listen to?

Punk, drum and bass, and hip hop.

Do you ever get recognised?

No, never. And I like it that way.

What do you like doing in your spare time?

Seeing my friends who I never get to see because of the hectic filming schedule. Relaxing when I can! Im quite interested in natural healing. Im starting a course which will get me on my way to my Natural Healing career.

When is your birthday?

26th January 1983


What is the weirdest piece of fanmail youve received?

Ive never received any!!! So hurry up and write to me!

Do you have any pets?

Yes, I have a dog and a cat but they are both at my Mums place so I hardly ever get to see them.

Whats your favourite animal?

Chimpanzees. Theyre so human like that you can communicate with them which is cool.

Interview with Amber next time!